Thursday, 18 November 2010

Rebel Spying Mission 2

This is the next rebel spy mission become SWAT as a rebel spy get there trust become one of there goverment then try to disband them find out wats up and wat ACP server there next attacking dont destroy them untill we declair war cose we need them to take out the ACP with there doing great so we let em do that then leap on them so they dont suspect anything then we have controll of cp we use that power to disband all the armys on cp the or rebel goal has been done and then we can give power make to cp by getting the EPF our side so they can take controll plz send report in a comment on the spy report page please follow all instrocutions on that page in the comment;)


  1. i know you dont trust me but i can do it i gave you guys there websites in the spy reports

  2. i know you dont trust me but i can do it i gave you guys there websites in the spy reports

  3. i know you dont trust me but i can do it i gave you guys there websites in the spy reports

  4. i hate my blog account right now cuz it sometimes repeats my stuff
