CPR Uniforms

CPR Commander uniform highley ranked commanders from that rank General and up can wear this uniform.
CPR trooper uniform this is what eveyone wears
CPR Cadet uniform CPR Cadets will wear this uniform.
CPR non members it doesnt matter what rank you are this is what you will wear if your a non member.


  1. i wanna joine
    What is your user name?mikey96787
    Why do you want to joine?i wanna fight agaisnt evil guys
    Have you been in anyother armys?no
    If yes to the question above what army?
    Will you be online atleast 3 days a week? mabey or 2 days in a week (if thats good)
    Will you check the blog evey day for updates?mabey

  2. i have school so ya and also i been asked by enimes too join i can spy if you want me too

  3. i am a epf member in club penguin

  4. plz email me at mikevik46@gmail.com k

  5. i joined this i want to join this and i want nembership and im coming too the battles, RPF hell yeah!
